ACCORD joins the International Steering Group of the 5 year strategic action plan for youth inclusive peace processes
Placing youth at the forefront of the peace and security conversation.
Placing youth at the forefront of the peace and security conversation.
The youth agenda is not a box-ticking strategy. It is a development, gender, human rights, peace and security issue that will require the implementation of intentional national strategies and structures in order to be effective.
Amplifying youth strategies to develop socially cohesive societies.
Supporting creative educational processes.
Strengthening trainer capacity with intense mentorship and guidance.
Madison, New Jersey students gain insight on conflict resolution, in relation to the psychology of group conflict!
Supporting young people to build peaceful societies
Building a bridge between research, policy and practice to strengthen the youth, peace and security agenda.
Best practices to strengthen national efforts towards the meaningful inclusion of youth in peace and security.
The brief analyses how and why African democracies are backsliding into authoritarianism and proposes actions for strengthening democratic governance and political stability and preventing future crises and conflicts.