SADC, UN Women and ACCORD hosted the SADC Validation Workshop
Guidelines for the Southern Africa’s Network of Women Mediators.
Guidelines for the Southern Africa’s Network of Women Mediators.
Highlighting the importance of data collection and methodical reporting to advance the WPS Agenda in the Great Lakes region.
Towards peaceful management of electioneering processes.
Exploring the gender dimensions of electoral justice alongside faith-based leaders.
Unlocking synergy towards advancing the women peace and security agenda in the SADC region.
Women leaders from South Sudan receive skills in conflict prevention, mediation, dialogue, negotiation & peacebuilding.
ACCORD, FECCLAHA, and NCA Empower Regional Faith Women Mediators to Promote Peace and Security through UNSCR 1325 and 2250 Advocacy.
Strengthening the policies and implementation for women’s engagement.
Preparing local women peacebuilders with the tools and resources.
Siphokazi Magadla’s Guerrillas and Combative Mothers rests on 40 life histories of women who joined armed struggles of many kinds to fight apartheid. The book is a result of her doctorate which in turn rests on work she did while being a research consultant at the Institute for Security Studies.