ACCORD partners with United Cities and Local Governments Africa
Developing the conflict management trainer capacity of local government stakeholders.
Developing the conflict management trainer capacity of local government stakeholders.
The AU has shown global leadership on how to integrate the climate-peace nexus. The March 2021 PSC meeting at heads of state level decided to also develop a common African position on the nexus between climate, peace and security.
Communal conflicts in Africa are multi-dimensional and they vary from state to state. Community led peace initiatives can be inclusive when they involve a wide range of actors including in particular elders, religious leaders, women and the youth.
Youth participation should be inclusive and integrated deeply in dialogues, so young people do not inherit socio-economic and political problems that could have been negated through their involvement.
On 24 November 2021, news about the ‘Botswana Variant,” now known as Omicron, which is said to have 32 mutations, was reported by Mail Online and other international news media. While the global north is already inoculating booster shots, Botswana is one of the countries in the continent playing catch up trying to attain herd immunity.
China’s reputation game in Africa is of strategic and vital importance as Chinese engagements (investments, infrastructure, and other projects) typically receive positive ratings on the continent while generating controversy and outcry in other parts of the world.
Malawi has quietly progressed in developing its formal National Peace Architecture (NPA). The NPA’s pilot structures stand Malawi in good stead to handle potential regional contagion effects deriving from instability in northern Mozambique.
The “strongly-worded statement” has always been a foreign policy instrument for diplomats responding to situations of concern. There is a growing awareness that statements issued by intergovernmental organisations at the onset of crises play a catalytic role in setting the tone for the international response.
The construction of the community of destiny passes by the emergence and the formatting of a community citizenship which does not go without strong moments of awareness. The day of regional integration is given to us to revive, stimulate and develop this awareness of our belonging and community destiny within the Community that forms the eleven Member States of ECCAS.
The Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) has decided to establish a Corps of Young Volunteers dedicated to work towards regional integration and development.