Mapping post-COVID-19 Protest Trends in Africa
Protests over the exorbitant cost of living have become a frequent feature in Africa and they are an expression of a growing legitimacy crisis in African governments.
Protests over the exorbitant cost of living have become a frequent feature in Africa and they are an expression of a growing legitimacy crisis in African governments.
The recent spate of coups witnessed on the continent has triggered a number of questions including whether we are witnessing a return of coups, what explains the coups and what to make of their apparent popular support.
Africa has experienced six military coups and two attempted coups. These events represent a sharp rise in such contested political transitions over the previous 10-year period and indicates the possibility of further instability on the continent.
State-sponsored defence militias in Burkina Faso have the potential to exacerbate distrust and insecurity between communities, and undermine efforts to combat violence.
Situational Action Theory explains banditry in Nigeria, while Situational Crime Prevention offers practical solutions for the banditry problem.
The situation in South Africa is a microcosm of what is prevailing in the rest of Africa. The marginalised majority have continued, over these three decades, to live in hope.
The goal of Silencing the Guns (STG) was to achieve a conflict-free Africa and rid the continent of all wars and conflicts. Conflicts have persisted, resulting in the STG agenda being extended to 2030, in the hope that by then Africa will have cured itself of the plague of conflict.
Restructuring how Sudan is governed is essential to placing Sudan on the right course towards sustained democracy, especially given the military’s restructuring process that has been in play for over 50 years.
The activities of violent extremist groups in West Africa and Ghana’s immediate neighbouring countries requires proactive, preventive responses to terrorism in the country.
Climate change can undermine peace and increase levels of violence by affecting the drivers of conflict.