This paper discusses and proposes paradiplomacy and community engagement as instruments of stabilising Cabo Delgado.
Building mediation capacity and supporting women’s inclusivity in peace processes.
This edition of the journal marks 25 years of the existence of the African Journal on Conflict Resolution (AJCR). The first issue of the AJCR was published in April 1999.
Abstract This article (re)appraises the role of civil society in South Sudan’s peace process. Situated at the confluence of civil society inclusion/exclusion, the significance of civil society participation and its
The African Journal on Conflict Resolution is a peer-reviewed journal published by the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) for the multidisciplinary subject field of conflict resolution.
Political and constitutional reforms in West African countries challenges the role of ECOWAS in advancing democracy and stability in the region.
The core of this article is to explore the underreported roles traditional leaders play in resolving conflict among indigenous communities in South Africa.
This article is an appraisal of Zambia’s strides in hosting a post-2016 general elections national political dialogue process and an attempt to answer critical questions related to social cohesion and political dialogue.