Protection and Promotion of Human Rights is Central to Peacekeeping
TfP/ACCORD participate in International Human Rights Training Program held in Canada, setting out mandates to protect civilians and their rights.
TfP/ACCORD participate in International Human Rights Training Program held in Canada, setting out mandates to protect civilians and their rights.
ACCORD gives presentation on conflict dynamics and resolution at course for participants from various Southern African ministries and government departments.
High-Level Thematic Debate serving to reassess the efficacy of the UN’s peacekeeping operations in the face of ever-evolving geopolitical realities.
Review of the problems encountered during 2015’s AMANI Africa II Field Training Exercise.
ACCORD represented at workshop highlighting AMISOM’s achievements of 2015, discussing its objectives for 2016 and planning its budget for 2017.
Workshop facilitating the identification, recruitment and training of civilian experts for the African Union’s Peace Support Operations.
ACCORD and the African Union Commission review ECOWAS’s efforts in populating the civilian roster of the ASF.
Strengthening the African Peace and Security Architecture by contributing to the African Union’s capacity to protect civilians.
Workshop aimed to develop appropriate strategies and tools to confront the challenges to security in African countries.
Course organised by the ISS examines the structural links between poor governance, mismanagement of resources and human insecurity.