ACCORD builds sustainable national capacity to conduct nation-wide conflict-mapping exercise in Liberia
ACCORD’s African Peacebuilding Coordination Programme has trained more than 30 analysts to take part in mapping Liberia’s conflict situations.
ACCORD’s African Peacebuilding Coordination Programme has trained more than 30 analysts to take part in mapping Liberia’s conflict situations.
In the context of the United Nations’ 70 year anniversary and the 2015 review of UN Peacebuilding Architecture, Mr. Nyuykonge examines the architecture and efficacy of UN’s peacebuilding and peacekeeping interventions.
Members from various organisations attended context-sensitivity training aimed at promoting conflict-sensitive approaches to peacebuilding and development programming.
A workshop held with the goal of assisting peacebuilding operations and determining their efficacy in the post-Ebola era.
In the context of the 2015 United Nations Peacebuilding Architecture Review, Ms. Campisi and Ms. Pereira examine the United Nations’ engagement with civil society in peacebuilding, and the ways in which this could be strengthened.
In this post, Ms. Kurki discusses the ways and reasons why sexual violence, and particularly that against men and boys, is not sufficiently addressed by legal frameworks and social services and recommends possible ways forward.
In this post, Ms. Wielenga seeks to encourage public debate on the role of transitional justice in the peacebuilding field, and presents the conditions under which transitional justice can contribute to sustainable peace.
In the context of the 2015 UN Peacebuilding Architecture Review, Ms. Connolly discusses whether the institution has lived up to its mandate and recommends possible ways forward.
In the context of the 2015 United Nations (UN) Peacebuilding Architecture and the Peace Operations reviews, Mr. Call provides recommendations on how the UN could build its capacity in providing financing to conflict prevention and post-conflict peacebuilding, and in operating and working in conflict.
Lesley Connolly examines the successes and failures of the UNPBA in bringing peace to African countries emerging from conflict