Youth Engagement in Peace Processes in Africa
The expanding youth, peace and security agenda in Africa calls for the full participation of youth in peacemaking processes at all levels
The expanding youth, peace and security agenda in Africa calls for the full participation of youth in peacemaking processes at all levels
Sharing Experiences for Meaningful Participation in Peace Processes On March 11, 2021, ACCORD organized its first intra-generational dialogue, titled, “On the Shoulders of WPS Giants: Sharing Experiences for Meaningful Participation
In support to the implementation bodies of the Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in CAR (APPR RCA) both at national and provincial levels, ACCORD CAR Office conducted a two
Since 2012 ACCORD has been supporting the fragile peace process in the Central African Republic (CAR).
On Friday 12 February 2021, Ms Lizbeth Cullity, Deputy Special Representative and Deputy Head of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) visited ACCORD
If there was ever a moment in the history of humanity that calls for the deepening of dialogue across different nations, generations, and cultures about a world that we want to see, the year 2020 is that moment. Instead of allowing the disruptions created by the emergence and spread of COVID-19 to weaken our collective resolve to find creative solutions to the challenges we commonly face, we ought to be inspired by the creativity, the innovations, and the resilience that ordinary people across the world have attempted to create.
On Friday the 20th of November 2020, Ms Bigombe who some may know as the woman who befriended a warlord, took participants into her world of mediation, tracing back the
Examining the objective conditions that gave rise to current iterations of violence and assessing whether the policy measures and strategies adopted at the international, regional and national levels bring the continent closer to sustainable peace.
The story of the development of African peace operations capacity on the Continent, and its implications for the future of peace and conflict in Africa.
UNSCR 1325 Beyond 2020: Walk the Talk from the Bottom to the Top Source: AU the Gender Peace and Security program and the Peace and Security Council Secretariat, in collaboration