Applying a gender lens to conflict management, prevention and resolution
Approaches, methods, and interventions for dealing with conflict
Approaches, methods, and interventions for dealing with conflict
The recent resurgence of coups and coup attempts in Africa highlights the challenges of the African Union’s framework on Unconstitutional Changes of Government.
Infrastructures for peace are strengthened through community platforms for resilience, conflict early warning and dialogue.
Historic division amongst the people in communities, political interference, and the lack of leadership structures in the communities filtered through as pressing issues!
The article acknowledges that low state capacity increases the likelihood of violence in the context of climate change, and thus informal institutions should play a crucial role in preventing and mitigating violence in the absence of formal institutions.
The article explores the role of legislation in designing paths to peace in fragile, ethnically divided communities such as the Warri conflict area in Delta State, Nigeria.
Capacitating Faith-based leaders to respond to Conflict in Eswatini.
This Policy and Practice Brief (PPB) draws extensively from the rich online conversations which attracted almost 200 youth peacebuilders from different parts of Africa, organised by the African Union (AU) Youth for Peace (Y4P) programme and UNESCO-International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (UNESCOIICBA) and, with additional assistance from the GIZ AU-APSA Programme.
Communal conflicts in Africa are multi-dimensional and they vary from state to state. Community led peace initiatives can be inclusive when they involve a wide range of actors including in particular elders, religious leaders, women and the youth.
Testing and review of the newly developed compliance and accountability curriculum