ACCORD participates in the AU’s stakeholder consultation on CSO participation in silencing the guns in Africa
Furthering CSO participation in silencing the guns.
Furthering CSO participation in silencing the guns.
Empowering youth in protracted conflicts.
Notes on Contributors Introduction– by Katharine Bebington and Andrea Prah This monograph explores the roles of the panels of the wise/elders in the AU and various RECs/RMs and their effectiveness
Finding more sustainable, context-specific, and effective methods for developing capacity.
This edition of Conflict Trends begins with an article from Regina M. Mwendwa and Jescah A. Otieno who have written about the use of hard tactics in the informal settlements
Critical insights into the ever-evolving dynamics of maritime threats in the Gulf of Guinea.
The Northwest Region of Cameroon has been deeply affected by the ongoing Anglophone crisis, which has had a significant impact on education in the region. This study aims to assess
Executive summary As the AU Peace and Security Council (PSC) marks its 20th anniversary, it is important to reflect on its journey and take stock of the achievements, challenges, and
ACCORD actively engages in forums on transnational issues such as climate change, accessing regional development and conflict risks.
This month’s issue of the Monitor begins with a piece by Katharine Bebington highlighting some key outcomes from the recently concluded 44th Ordinary Summit of the Heads of State and