Understanding and managing conflicts in the arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya: the case of Samburu County
Samburu county has continued to manifest unabated intercommunal conflicts which can be attributed to many factors
Samburu county has continued to manifest unabated intercommunal conflicts which can be attributed to many factors
Vigilantism against migrants and anti-immigration activism in South Africa has often resulted in, or triggered, xenophobic attacks and xenophobic violence.
Peace and security issues often interlock with those of governance, and in many respects, governance issues are the root causes of most threats to peace and security
SADC has established and operationalised peace and security organs that strategically intervene in cases of destabilisation in the region.
The emergence of ‘putschist-populist’ politics in West Africa is threatening the hard-won democratic progress over the past decades.
Since 2020, Africa has recorded seven successful coups and three unsuccessful coups. No singular factor explains coup drivers. The 26 July coup in Niger is not an isolated event. Rather,
This brief analyses the current youth, peace and security agenda on the African continent by looking at the various efforts and initiatives taken at the institutional level to advance the agenda.
Building stronger collaboration and undertaking efforts to mitigate the impact of climate change for sustainable peace.
This article explores the arguments and challenges surrounding Africa’s drive to secure a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council.
The recent peace mission to Ukraine and Russia, led by African Heads of State may herald the emergence of a shift in the continent’s strategy as Africa takes a more proactive role