In the News: Thursday, 2 July 2020
Monthly Action Points (MAP) for the Security Council: July 2020 Source: NGO Working Group on WPS For July, in which Germany has the presidency of the UN Security Council, the
Monthly Action Points (MAP) for the Security Council: July 2020 Source: NGO Working Group on WPS For July, in which Germany has the presidency of the UN Security Council, the
ASEAN hosted a webinar to discuss relevant issues related to WPS in Southeast Asia and identify ways forward to develop more regular interactions among interested parties on these issues.
Virtual discussion on the role that the EU can play to support mediation in Africa, especially in the face of new and unpredictable threats such as COVID-19.
Studying past attempts by the Ghanaian government and the Ghana Cement Limited mining company to resolve the Manya-Yilo conflict.
An article written on 11 June 2020 for the UN News website highlights the crucial role local women are playing in their communities to combat the spread of COVID-19. It
An article written by Kira Walker for Equal Times discusses Yemeni women’s vital role as peacebuilders in the country. Below are some key points. Muna Luqman is a peace activist
Building the capacities of women from the Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains regions in mediation and conflict prevention.
Strengthening mediation capacities for conflict management in the IGAD region.
Generating more consultative processes by promoting women’s active participation in international, regional and national mediation.
Strengthening the role of women in peace processes in the IGAD region.