Mediating Complex Conflicts – Multi-stakeholder Collaborative Approach in a Changing World Order
Unpacking the practical lessons on the challenges that mediation teams face.
Unpacking the practical lessons on the challenges that mediation teams face.
The PAG is a politically neutral regional initiative harnessing the experience and expertise of its members to support peace and development processes in Cabo Delgado
This monograph analyses the role of the RECs/Ms’ institutionalised approaches to mediating peace in Africa.
The role of women in mitigating the impacts of climate change.
Strengthening the capacities of SADC PoE and MRG members in conflict mediation and prevention
Establishing a framework for deeper cooperation and collaboration between ACCORD and SADC.
On 24 August, fighting resumed between the federal government of Ethiopia and Tigrayan forces, ending the five month long humanitarian truce. There are at least three sticking points preventing the peace process from making headways.
This article provides an ex-post analysis of the latest state of mediation and intervention efforts to resolve the Dagbon Chieftaincy Crisis in Ghana, since the March 2002 eruption of bloody conflict.
ACCORD’s on-going support to the Sudan Peace Process.
ACCORD and SADC MSU host High Level Retreat and Mediation training for SADC Panel of Elders and Mediation Reference Group