ACCORD partners with United Cities and Local Governments Africa
Developing the conflict management trainer capacity of local government stakeholders.
Developing the conflict management trainer capacity of local government stakeholders.
Collaborating with the African Union Southern Africa Regional Office (AU-SARO), the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) and the University of Johannesburg (UJ)
The concept of agency, its necessities, and values, has formed a key part of the development narrative in the Global South.
ACCORD’s Chair of the Board of Trustees, Mrs Graca Machel, hosted a banquet dinner on 13 November 2022 at the Chief Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre (ICC), in Durban, South Africa,
A new wave of high-level visits to Africa shows the complicated strategic choices that the continent needs to make.
Africa finds itself being courted again by many ardent suitors from the West and the East and in between. It is all rather reminiscent of the Cold War.
Coups in Africa appear to be a continuation of political process and leadership by another means, understood through the lens of neocolonialism.
The ongoing crises of mass abductions of children in Nigeria challenges a reevaluation of responses by the government.
ACCORD participates in academic and cultural events to share opinions and knowledge.
Acknowledging and appreciating the role of the founding fathers of the OAU.