Vasu Gounden’s Doctoral Speech
Keynote address presented by Vasu Gounden, Founder and Executive Director, ACCORD, at the 2016 UKZN Graduation on 11 April 2016, on receiving his honorary Doctorate of Social Sciences.
Keynote address presented by Vasu Gounden, Founder and Executive Director, ACCORD, at the 2016 UKZN Graduation on 11 April 2016, on receiving his honorary Doctorate of Social Sciences.
Vasu Gounden has been honoured for his record of distinguished service for the advancement of democracy and social justice.
Two years since implementing of the Senior Women Talent Pipeline (SWTP) initiative, significant improvements in gender representation have been made.
Special government bodies divulge results from their investigations into the causes and consequences of recent violent outbursts against foreign nationals.
ACCORD co-hosts debate aimed at analysing the efficacy of the UN’s approaches to peacekeeping in Africa.
Previous US Ambassador to the AU and Ethiopia joins ACCORD for discussions analysing the underlying dynamics of US elections.
British commissioners Judith Macgregor and Emma Wade-Smith paid an official visit to ACCORD House in February.
Vasu Gounden was invited by the Honourable Baleka Mbete to be one of her guests at the Opening of Parliament.
Vasu Gounden participates in a meeting to analyse the evolving notions that define and govern international boundaries.
Vasu Gounden will be attending this prestigious ceremony recognising efforts of eminent individuals in promoting South Africa’s interests and values.