ACCORD/TfP participates in the TfP Steering Committee Meeting and Governing Board Meetings
Contributing to the AU’s Peace Support Operations Division in strengthening peace support operations in Africa.
Contributing to the AU’s Peace Support Operations Division in strengthening peace support operations in Africa.
Vasu Gounden contributes to dialogue between the SADC and EU addressing common security threats in Africa and Europe.
Unpacking the AU’s decision to introduce a levy on imports, with the aim to strengthen its relationship with the UN.
Criticism that the UN remains too state-centric has created impetus to strengthen and deepen engagement with communities.
On 21–22 October 2015, the African Union (AU), in collaboration with the Government of Namibia, hosted the Sixth AU High-level Retreat of Special Envoys and Mediators on the Promotion of
Event held in honour of visiting Norwegian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Minister Laila Bokhari.
Commemoration at the Dag Hammarsköld Memorial on the site of the plane crash in which he died in 1961.
ACCORD Founder and Executive Director participates in seminar to improve African Defence Forces’ peacekeeping operations.
Vasu Gounden invited to be a resource person at Roundtable discussions on peacekeeping and peacemaking best practices in Africa.