Africa-Israel Summit: Benefit or burden?
Discussing what the renewed Israeli interest in Africa means for the continent.
Discussing what the renewed Israeli interest in Africa means for the continent.
ACCORD facilitates experience sharing on mediation between Intergovernmental Authority on Development and mediators, mediation experts and stakeholders in Africa.
Previewing the movie “Detroit”, which is set during the rioting and civil unrest of the summer of 1967.
Executive summary With Africa having steadily begun the litany of elections billed for 2017, the orderly manner in which Somalia’s elections took place restored a glimmer of hope in those
Deputy Minister Sirleaf and representatives of the Liberian Peacebuilding Office visit ACCORD House in Durban.
Convening experts from key African Union Organs to facilitate the implementation of Agendas 2020 and 2030.
Vasu Gounden and other Moerane Commissioners visit the scene of much of the Glebelands’ violence over the past three years.
Opportunity for the Lt General to learn more about ACCORD’s work, as well as to explore possible areas for collaboration.
In the last two issues of Conflict Trends, I reflected on the global challenges that confront us. In this editorial, I reiterate our understanding of the complexities that face humanity