Mayor of Bremen, (Federal Republic of Germany), Dr Andreas Bovenschulte, visits ACCORD House
Discussing the current and future socio-political environment on the continent.
Discussing the current and future socio-political environment on the continent.
Peace and security discussions with DIRCO.
Sharing ACCORD’s prognosis for current and future challenges on the continent.
Notes on Contributors Introduction– by Katharine Bebington and Andrea Prah This monograph explores the roles of the panels of the wise/elders in the AU and various RECs/RMs and their effectiveness
How recent conflicts have shaped the future of technology in warfare…
Sharing experiences on the implementation of the African Union Agenda 2063 as Africa’s development tool.
A new and in-depth look at the prevalence and costs of violence.
This edition of Conflict Trends begins with an article from Regina M. Mwendwa and Jescah A. Otieno who have written about the use of hard tactics in the informal settlements
After the end of the Second World War in 1945 and the dawn of the new world order, Africa remained passive and accepted the geopolitical realities of the international system
Executive summary As the AU Peace and Security Council (PSC) marks its 20th anniversary, it is important to reflect on its journey and take stock of the achievements, challenges, and