Xenophobia – a threat to the unity of African peoples
Traces of xenophobic sentiment and violence have long existed in Africa, which at times has resulted in the inflammation of inter-state relations as well as large-scale displacements.
Traces of xenophobic sentiment and violence have long existed in Africa, which at times has resulted in the inflammation of inter-state relations as well as large-scale displacements.
ECCAS Member States are committed to the shared values of the AU, whose legal instruments relating to refugees and IDPs form an integral part of the body.
Uncertain times, unsettled lives.
International Women’s Day is an opportunity for women across the world and on the continent to take stock of the state of gender-based issues and the achievements and opportunities.
In partnership with the Royal Norwegian Embassy based in Pretoria, South Africa, ACCORD convened a briefing session for E10 countries on the conflict in Mali and the Sahel on 18 June
ACCORD in association with the Ugandan Women Situation Room (WSR), a peacebuilding project founded in February 2016 that empowers women to be the leading force for democratic and peaceful elections,
Escalating insurgency in Mozambique challenges SADC to intervene urgently
Recent electoral dynamics and violence in Côte d’Ivoire challenges ECOWAS to reinforce its efforts in the country.
On 26 March 2021, ACCORD’s founder and Executive Director, Dr Vasu Gounden, participated in the United Nation’s Global Festival of Action by participating on a panel on the G20 and
On 04 March 2021, ACCORD’s founder and Executive Director, Dr Vasu Gounden participated in the UNDP’s “Prevention in Action” Global Forum, which aimed at offering a development perspective for prevention