When refugees cannot return home
Executive Summary The large number of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the Great Lakes region poses immense challenges to peacebuilding processes within the countries affected, as well as
Executive Summary The large number of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the Great Lakes region poses immense challenges to peacebuilding processes within the countries affected, as well as
Collaborative report serves to outline the current trends, causes of and challenges of conflict-induced migration throughout Africa.
The United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA) and the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) co-organized a High-Level Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on
How the establishment of the Extraordinary African Chambers brought the cruel dictator of the Republic of Chad to justice.
Examining the lack of commitment towards national reconciliation as the primary driving force behind continued violence in Zimbabwe.
Excellencies, Premier, Minister and Dignitaries, Ladies and Gentlemen, As one of the lead co-organizers of this important two days event, I welcome you here in Durban and thank you for
Executive Summary This Policy & Practice Brief (PPB) evaluates how well-equipped the African Union’s (AU) migration policy framework is to address various domestic challenges that individual African states face in
Owing to xenophobic sentiments, Kenya’s government has missed a nation-building opportunity by failing to recognise Kenyan-Somalis as citizens.
Investigating the direct and indirect causes of terrorism in Nigeria, and how to counter the culture of violence with education.