ACCORD participates in workshop on AU Gender, Peace and Security Programme
The African Union Commission launches a new flagship programme aimed at improving gender representation in peace operations.
The African Union Commission launches a new flagship programme aimed at improving gender representation in peace operations.
Coordination of a practical field research trip with ACCORD’s South Sudan Initiative.
Urging the UN and other peacekeeping organisations to take more urgent and decisive measures against perpetrators of GBV in conflict.
The Peacemaking Unit contributes to achieving sustainable political stability in CAR following its recent coup d’état.
Centre for Conflict Resolution hosts multifaceted workshop to strengthen institutional capacity for peacebuilding and gender equality across Africa.
Creating strategies and mechanisms to combat the ever-present marginalisation of women within AMISOM peace operations.
Conference enlightens participants on content of Regional Action Plan and advocates for immediate improvement of gender representation.
Special three-day workshop to teach female Sudanese parliamentarians conflict-analysis skills.
ACCORD convenes with UN Women for the development and implementation of a three-year plan of action.
Discussions focusing on Somalia, DRC and South Sudan explore the different ways men and women are affected by violence.