ACCORD attends side event of the Women, Peace and Security Focal Points Network in New York during UNGA
ACCORD continues its work on gender and its nexus with peace and conflict.
ACCORD continues its work on gender and its nexus with peace and conflict.
Promoting the role of women in peacemaking in the Africa.
ACCORD was invited to participate in high-level Regional Women Mediator Networks meeting at UN.
Addressing the stifling gender issues in a humanitarian response to the Boko Haram crisis in Nigeria.
Enhancing women’s participation in the national agenda on peace and reconciliation in Mozambique.
ACCORD continues to strengthen the mediation capacities of women in Africa.
ACCORD participated in the Network of African Women in Conflict Prevention and Mediation’s (FemWise-Africa’s) first induction training on preventive diplomacy and mediation, hosted by the AU in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Widening the space and enhancing engagement of women in peace processes in Mozambique towards a national agenda on peace and reconciliation.
Discussing the emergence and role of networks for women mediators in light of ongoing efforts to implement UNSCR 1325.
Meeting convened by the African Union to strengthen the role of women in mediation in Africa.