Conflict & Resilience Monitor – 26 March 2025
Humanitarian diplomacy seeks to leverage negotiation, advocacy, and dialogue to promote adherence to international humanitarian laws and facilitate peacebuilding efforts
Humanitarian diplomacy seeks to leverage negotiation, advocacy, and dialogue to promote adherence to international humanitarian laws and facilitate peacebuilding efforts
Despite the volatile situation in the eastern DRC, a new DDRRR programme that helps address the root causes of the conflict could be introduced to help stabilise the area
This edition of the journal marks 25 years of the existence of the African Journal on Conflict Resolution (AJCR). The first issue of the AJCR was published in April 1999.
Abstract How do we repair and reconcile a society broken multiple times by years of political violence and cyclic mass atrocity events? Reconciliation processes in post-conflict societies tend to favour
The security crisis in the Lake Chad Basin has been of great concern since the expansion of Boko Haram as one of the deadliest terrorist groups on the continent. Scaled-up interventions include DDR processes as part of the Regional Strategy for the Stabilisation, Recovery and Resilience of the Boko Haram-affected Areas.
The recent mass exits from Boko Haram present an inevitable yet unique opportunity to take stock of earlier efforts to encourage defections from Boko Haram factions
Since 2012 ACCORD has been supporting the fragile peace process in the Central African Republic (CAR).
If there was ever a moment in the history of humanity that calls for the deepening of dialogue across different nations, generations, and cultures about a world that we want to see, the year 2020 is that moment. Instead of allowing the disruptions created by the emergence and spread of COVID-19 to weaken our collective resolve to find creative solutions to the challenges we commonly face, we ought to be inspired by the creativity, the innovations, and the resilience that ordinary people across the world have attempted to create.
On Friday the 20th of November 2020, Ms Bigombe who some may know as the woman who befriended a warlord, took participants into her world of mediation, tracing back the