The AU Harmonized Mechanism for granting CSO Observer/Consultative Status and the ECOSOCC National Chapter Framework
Development of inclusive and robust frameworks for accreditation.
Development of inclusive and robust frameworks for accreditation.
ACCORD remains committed to supporting collective actions for the faith and mining industries to address the underlying causes of violence in Southern Africa.
ACCORD in association with the Ugandan Women Situation Room (WSR), a peacebuilding project founded in February 2016 that empowers women to be the leading force for democratic and peaceful elections,
On 12 May 2021, the Civil Society-UN Prevention Platform convened an informal virtual dialogue on ‘Advancing UN Prevention Efforts Across Sectors and Institutions,’ with participation from a diverse range of
On 26 March 2021, ACCORD’s founder and Executive Director, Dr Vasu Gounden, participated in the United Nation’s Global Festival of Action by participating on a panel on the G20 and
On 04 March 2021, ACCORD’s founder and Executive Director, Dr Vasu Gounden participated in the UNDP’s “Prevention in Action” Global Forum, which aimed at offering a development perspective for prevention
UNSCR 1325 Beyond 2020: Walk the Talk from the Bottom to the Top Source: AU the Gender Peace and Security program and the Peace and Security Council Secretariat, in collaboration
Press Statement of the 951st open session meeting of the PSC, held on 5 October 2020 on the theme: “Implementation and Commemoration of United Nations (UN) Security Council Resolution 1325
Virtual Global Alliance Annual Meeting 2020 Source: PRIO For its first annual meeting, the Global Alliance of regional women mediator networks is inviting its members, partners and the public to
Monthly Action Points (MAP) for the Security Council: October 2020 Source: NGO Working Group on WPS For October, in which the Russian Federation has the presidency of the UN Security