Dr Gounden attended a dinner hosted by Ms Lepenn in Pretoria in honour of Mr Eric Rosand
Dinner in honour of the Director of the Prevention Project at the Brookings Institution.
Dinner in honour of the Director of the Prevention Project at the Brookings Institution.
Outlining the work of the Commission and inviting members of the public to testify.
Vasu Gounden invited to present to EU Ambassadors on the trends and drivers of African conflicts.
Vasu Gounden presents on the current trends and drivers of conflict on the continent, and in South Africa, specifically.
Vasu Gounden attends meeting aiming to aid the PSC in analysing why Africa is experiencing a resurgence of conflict.
Dr Vasu Gounden attends launch and workshop of new network of peacekeepers operating in the Southern Africa region.
Discussions revolving around Belgium’s relations with the countries of Central Africa.
Mapping out strategic opportunities for further engagement with the African Union.
Founder and Executive Director of ACCORD contributes to initiative promoting open and free access to historical archives.
Founder and Executive Director invited to host a public lecture at UN Headquarters in New York, USA.