ACCORD co-hosts 6th Annual ASF Training Implementation Workshop
Enhancing collaboration proficiency between the AU Commission and RECs/RMs African Standby Force training officers.
Enhancing collaboration proficiency between the AU Commission and RECs/RMs African Standby Force training officers.
ACCORD has released a report entitled Civilian Capacities in the Aftermath of Conflict: Towards strengthened partnerships with African member states. The report is based on the a two-day Regional Consultation on
A report on the proceedings of the Africa Regional Consultation on Strengthening Partnerships for Civilian Capacities in the Aftermath of Conflict, held in Pretoria, South Africa from 19-20 July 2012,
A report on the proceedings of the Africa Regional Consultation on Strengthening Partnerships for Civilian Capacities in the Aftermath of Conflict, held in Pretoria, South Africa from 19-20 July 2012,
The Training for Peace (TfP) in Africa Programme at ACCORD has participated in the TfP Annual General Meeting (AGM) in New York. The AGM aims to highlight the TfP Programmes
Following up on efforts to implement UNSCR 1325 and other AU and regional frameworks for the empowerment of women.
In June 2012, the Training for Peace Programme at ACCORD (TfP/ACCORD) established a Civilian Capacity Network of civil society organisations, which then facilitated a consultation on Civilian Capacity Matching (CapMatch)
The Training for Peace Programme (TfP) at ACCORD, in collaboration with the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations (UN DPKO), has published and launched a UN Civil Affairs Handbook. The
Ms René Koopman and Prof Gideon van Dyk are both lecturing in the Department of Industrial Psychology at the Faculty of Military Science of the Stellenbosch University. Abstract United Nations
Contemporary peacebuilding processes increasingly propose and adopt local ownership as a fundamental prerequisite in sustainable peacebuilding. Local ownership presupposes the application of an organic and context-specific approach to peacebuilding. Localisation