Expert Group Meeting on “The Role of Early Warning to Silence the Guns”
Convening experts from key African Union Organs to facilitate the implementation of Agendas 2020 and 2030.
Convening experts from key African Union Organs to facilitate the implementation of Agendas 2020 and 2030.
Dr Vasu Gounden delivers presentation at SSR Seminar on possible future conflicts in Africa.
New leadership within the UN and AUC presents an opportunity for the organizations to strengthen their relationship.
ACCORD/TfP conducts course for the civilian dimension experts nominated from the African Standby Capacity rosters.
The AUC co-hosted a workshop exploring the future of the African Peace and Security Architecture.
Dr Vasu Gounden attends launch and workshop of new network of peacekeepers operating in the Southern Africa region.
Preceding the 29th African Union Pre-Summit, a Roundtable and Cocktail event was held over two days at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) in Addis Ababa. On 22
Founder and Executive Director invited to host a public lecture at UN Headquarters in New York, USA.
Bringing together representatives from the UN, African member states, and partners of PSOD to strengthen the capacity of the ASF.
High level conflict prevention and mediation experts discuss issues of conflict prevention and peacemaking.