Conflict & Resilience Monitor – 29 July 2024
We start this month’s Monitor with a feature article by Kapinga Yvette Ngandu, the ECCAS Commissioner for Gender, Human and Social Development, on the establishment of the ECCAS Humanitarian Action
We start this month’s Monitor with a feature article by Kapinga Yvette Ngandu, the ECCAS Commissioner for Gender, Human and Social Development, on the establishment of the ECCAS Humanitarian Action
The necessity of civil society’s meaningful engagement with multilateral organisations on peacebuilding.
Reflecting on African positions to contemporary global challenges.
International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace.
We begin this edition of the Monitor with a contribution from Cheryl Hendricks, who writes about rethinking peace and security in the current global context. She argues that existing normative frameworks
The upsurge in inter and intra-state armed conflict, and responses to this violence, have led to a questioning of the credibility, legitimacy, effectiveness and efficiency of our peace and security architectures.
The AU and UN are deepening and strengthening their strategic partnership in a new era of networked multilateralism.
House Democrats express concern as administration stymies request for oversight on women’s security strategy Source: CNN Washington (CNN) – House Democrats charged with national security oversight say the Trump administration
Graça Machel asks global leaders to put aside their interests and take real action towards the creation of peace
Explaining Africa’s limited success in peacebuilding operations in light of failures to fundamentally transform inherited post-colonial state and politics.