Financing peacebuilding is one of the key institutional strategies designed by the UN with a focus on “post-conflict reconstruction”.
Improving the effectiveness of the UN Peacebuilding Fund for national stakeholders in supporting young women and men.
ACCORD and UN’s workshop aims to improve inclusivity and accountability of the UN Peacebuilding Fund Support.
Representatives from UN agencies in 15 countries met to discuss ways to improve inclusion of women and youth in peacebuilding.
In the context of the 2015 UN Peacebuilding Architecture Review, Ms. Connolly discusses whether the institution has lived up to its mandate and recommends possible ways forward.
In the context of the 2015 United Nations (UN) Peacebuilding Architecture and the Peace Operations reviews, Mr. Call provides recommendations on how the UN could build its capacity in providing financing to conflict prevention and post-conflict peacebuilding, and in operating and working in conflict.
Strengthening partnerships between the UN’s internal departments and external collaborators and organisations.
Workshop to develop a strengthened relationship between ACCORD and the United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office.