Tag: Sport

ACCORD - Report - 2010 - Playing for peace

Playing for Peace

Message from Jean Ping Chairperson of the African Union Commission Message from Danny Jordaan Chief Executive Officer, 2010 FIFA World Cup Organising Committee South Africa Message from Graça Machel Chairperson

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ACCORD - Report - 2010 - Playing for peace

Playing for Peace

Message from Jean Ping Chairperson of the African Union Commission Message from Danny Jordaan Chief Executive Officer, 2010 FIFA World Cup Organising Committee South Africa Message from Graça Machel Chairperson

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ACCORD - Conflict Trends 1999-1

Conflict Trends 1999/1

Editorial By Hussein Solomon Conflict Watch Renaissance Barometer By Hussein Solomon & James Mackalaire Conflict, development & peace in Africa Gender perspectives By Laketch Dirasse Peacekeeping in the DRC A

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ACCORD - Conflict Trends 1999-1

Conflict Trends 1999/1

Editorial By Hussein Solomon Conflict Watch Renaissance Barometer By Hussein Solomon & James Mackalaire Conflict, development & peace in Africa Gender perspectives By Laketch Dirasse Peacekeeping in the DRC A

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