ACCORD Supports Dialogues With Foreign National Shop Owners
Addressing Food Safety and Promoting Social Cohesion
Addressing Food Safety and Promoting Social Cohesion
The September issue of the Monitor begins with an article on the impacts of climate change on social cohesion and stability in the Southern African region. In it, Cedric de
Developing effective strategies to prevent and mitigate the risks caused by climate change to social cohesion.
Exploring the impact of climate change on social cohesion and stability.
Building cohesion within communities and collaboration between leaders will strengthen their stance during times of crisis and their ability to resolve conflicts.
Exploring the process of reconciliation and fostering greater social cohesion.
Traces of xenophobic sentiment and violence have long existed in Africa, which at times has resulted in the inflammation of inter-state relations as well as large-scale displacements.
Amplifying youth strategies to develop socially cohesive societies.
Exploring solidarity among youth groups.
Academics, community leaders, and civil society should be better enabled to manage conflict situations.