Conflict & Resilience Monitor – 29 February 2024
We are pleased to share the first Issue of the Conflict & Resilience Monitor in 2024. Our first article was written by Professor Eddy Maloka, CEO of the African Peer
We are pleased to share the first Issue of the Conflict & Resilience Monitor in 2024. Our first article was written by Professor Eddy Maloka, CEO of the African Peer
The exit may result in a resurgence of terrorist assaults.
China’s stakes in the region and why Beijing has interests in enhancing its security role in the Sahel.
The activities of violent extremist groups in West Africa and Ghana’s immediate neighbouring countries requires proactive, preventive responses to terrorism in the country.
From a general perspective it can be said that every actor in the Sahel is walking on a tight rope trying to achieve limited objectives, without remaining stuck in the many complexities of the local political milieu.
A critical examination of the Joint Force of the Group of Five of the Sahel’s mandate to combat terrorism.