Justice in Transition and the Complexities of Access
Understanding justice from the victims’ perspective to outline dilemmas societies in transition face in accessing justice after conflict.
Understanding justice from the victims’ perspective to outline dilemmas societies in transition face in accessing justice after conflict.
Research project highlighting the ability of African-led missions to contribute to critical security and post-conflict issues.
Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Development (PCRD) and peacebuilding are some of the most important challenges facing African countries emerging from conflicts. As the AU continues to make progress in the prevention and
Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Development (PCRD) and peacebuilding are some of the most important challenges facing African countries emerging from conflicts. As the AU continues to make progress in the prevention and
Exploring the use of participatory media projects as effective forums for healing in post-conflict states.
Vasu Gounden and Cedric de Coning act as resource persons in session examining dynamics of managing peacebuilding transitions.
Workshop facilitating the identification, recruitment and training of civilian experts for the African Union’s Peace Support Operations.
Analysing the necessity of integrating peacebuilding components into national policies in order to foster long-term development and sustainable peace.