African Military Marxism: Is its Past its Future?
Mapping the history of Marxist theory in sub-Saharan Africa
Mapping the history of Marxist theory in sub-Saharan Africa
Advancing the full, equal, and meaningful participation of uniformed women in peacekeeping operations.
Training for the inclusion of climate, peace and security into Zambia’s climate action
Empowering the African youth in mediation and preventive diplomacy.
Empowering youth in protracted conflicts.
The September issue of the Monitor begins with an article on the impacts of climate change on social cohesion and stability in the Southern African region. In it, Cedric de
Showcasing the unique experiences and expertise of women in mediation.
Building mediation capacity and supporting women’s inclusivity in peace processes.
There are now many in the African region identifying current evidence on the nexus between climate fragility and vulnerability to violent extremism.
Zimbabwe is one of the countries in Southern Africa most affected by climate variability and change.