Conflict Trends 2024/2
This edition of ACCORD’s Conflict Trends begins with an article by Abraham Ename Minko about one of the emerging challenges in Africa, which is cyber security. This article discusses how
This edition of ACCORD’s Conflict Trends begins with an article by Abraham Ename Minko about one of the emerging challenges in Africa, which is cyber security. This article discusses how
The new security realities have compelled regional collaboration for effective and results-based CT-COIN as a form of securitisation of the Lake Chad Region
This article delves into the nuanced landscape of transboundary water governance, with a keen focus on the regulatory measures implemented in the Lake Chad and Congo Basins.
The security crisis in the Lake Chad Basin has been of great concern since the expansion of Boko Haram as one of the deadliest terrorist groups on the continent. Scaled-up interventions include DDR processes as part of the Regional Strategy for the Stabilisation, Recovery and Resilience of the Boko Haram-affected Areas.
We are pleased to share the first Issue of the Conflict & Resilience Monitor in 2024. Our first article was written by Professor Eddy Maloka, CEO of the African Peer
The exit may result in a resurgence of terrorist assaults.
The recent mass exits from Boko Haram present an inevitable yet unique opportunity to take stock of earlier efforts to encourage defections from Boko Haram factions
The overall assessment is that the MNJTF is, to a degree, effectively attaining its mandate priorities. As a result of the efforts of the MNJTF there is a decline in the number of terrorist attacks and fatalities in the region.
While the current crisis in the Lake Chad region is often framed by the violence perpetrated by Boko Haram, other factors have converged and exacerbated the crisis.
The Lake Chad Basin Regional Strategy for Stabilization, Recovery and Resilience (RSS), adopted in August 2018, identified the eight governors as the primary mechanism for cross-border cooperation as well as domesticating the implementation of this Strategy.