Traditional natural resource conflict resolution vis-à-vis formal legal systems in East Africa
Understanding the political justifications for marginalising traditional dispute-resolving mechanisms from the legal systems of both Kenya and Ethiopia.
Understanding the political justifications for marginalising traditional dispute-resolving mechanisms from the legal systems of both Kenya and Ethiopia.
Executive summary With Africa having steadily begun the litany of elections billed for 2017, the orderly manner in which Somalia’s elections took place restored a glimmer of hope in those
Executive summary With Africa having steadily begun the litany of elections billed for 2017, the orderly manner in which Somalia’s elections took place restored a glimmer of hope in those
Evaluating the governmental and sociological impacts of Kenya’s National Police Service Act.
How strengthening government institutions will aid Kenya in achieving reconciliation and long term stability.
Course organised by the ISS examines the structural links between poor governance, mismanagement of resources and human insecurity.