ACCORD contributes to the development of a Mediation Protocol for the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Region
ACCORD provided substantive support at IGAD’s Pre-Consultative Meeting Towards the Development of a Mediation Protocol.
ACCORD provided substantive support at IGAD’s Pre-Consultative Meeting Towards the Development of a Mediation Protocol.
Strengthening institutional capacities on gender mainstreaming in peace and security interventions.
Discussing the momentum on the commitments on women, peace and security in the IGAD Region.
ACCORD and IGAD hold consultations to assess the current extent of women’s participation in peace processes in the region.
ACCORD facilitates experience sharing on mediation between Intergovernmental Authority on Development and mediators, mediation experts and stakeholders in Africa.
The Intergovernmental Authority on Development in collaboration with ACCORD hosted a workshop to validate the IGAD Strategic Guidelines on Mediation.
High level conflict prevention and mediation experts discuss issues of conflict prevention and peacemaking.
Reviewing the status of the August 2015 peace agreement that brought an end to Sudan’s two-year civil war.
Analysing the impact of the Southern African Development Community’s Interventions have on conflict in the DRC.
The African continent is in a race against time. Although many African countries have achieved positive gains in realising their development agendas and economic growth rates, uneven progress in eliminating