To introduce an issue containing an article devoted to a leadership theme and four articles with between-the-lines leadership issues, some editorial thoughts on leadership seem to be appropriate. In the
Closely examining the relationship between religion, ethnicity and conflict in northern Nigeria.
How opposing cultural ideologies and limitations of formal state-building mechanisms threaten to re-establish conflict in the world’s newest state.
An assessment of the roles of armed non-state actors within the normative political landscapes of African countries.
Owing to xenophobic sentiments, Kenya’s government has missed a nation-building opportunity by failing to recognise Kenyan-Somalis as citizens.
In this post Mr. Okumu examines the importance of ensuring that the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) respects a social contract where engagement with civil society is put at the forefront of their conduct
South Africa’s democratic transition in 1994 remains one of the most analysed, lauded and respected political transitions, for numerous reasons, in modern times. The definitive character of the transition, with
Academic arguments as to why inter-provincial hostilities persist in the DRC despite recovery initiatives implemented in the country.
Tracing the evolution of the practices, motives and consequences of cattle-theft in Kenya, from ancient times to the post-colonial era