Vasu Gounden participates in SAHRC hearing on impact of protests on access to education
South African Human Rights Commission interrogates issue of ensuring that protest-related school closures don’t undermine rights to access education.
South African Human Rights Commission interrogates issue of ensuring that protest-related school closures don’t undermine rights to access education.
New simulator under development tasks the player with bringing peace to a fictitious war-torn country called Zhobia.
ACCORD’s Intervention Department organised a study tour and conflict management training for 22 members of the Specialised Committee for Peace and Reconciliation of the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly. The Specialised
From 15-17 September 2008 the African Peacebuilding Coordination Programme at ACCORD hosted a workshop in Durban, South Africa, aimed at reviewing the work of the Programme since June 2007 and
Editorial By Vasu Gounden Regional Child Warriors in West Africa By Allan Quee Strategies for Peace Education Integration in ECOWAS Member States’ Tertiary School Curricula By Isaac Olawale Albert &
Editorial By Vasu Gounden Regional Child Warriors in West Africa By Allan Quee Strategies for Peace Education Integration in ECOWAS Member States’ Tertiary School Curricula By Isaac Olawale Albert &
On International Peace Day, 21 September 2007, ACCORD, in collaboration with Unischool Durban (which provides short training in computer and business skills) contributed some of its surplus IT equipment to
On Wednesday, 23 May 2007, the Founder and Executive Director of ACCORD, Mr. Vasu Gounden, welcomed Mr. Steven Uhlfelder, the Chairman of the Fulbright Foreign Scholarships Board (FSB), to ACCORD