Why Integrate National Peace Structures? Building Community Platforms for Resilience, Early Warning and Dialogue
Infrastructures for peace are strengthened through community platforms for resilience, conflict early warning and dialogue.
Infrastructures for peace are strengthened through community platforms for resilience, conflict early warning and dialogue.
Sustaining peace in West Africa requires multi-level partnerships that engage and foster robust relationships among critical actors at key levels.
The Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) has decided to establish a Corps of Young Volunteers dedicated to work towards regional integration and development.
Understanding the importance of clearly communicating stakeholder interests in a negotiation or mediation setting.
From a general perspective it can be said that every actor in the Sahel is walking on a tight rope trying to achieve limited objectives, without remaining stuck in the many complexities of the local political milieu.
The alarming rate of coups on the continent are an indicator that firmer measures are required from the AU and respective regional bodies as a deterrent.
Prior to the coups, the continent had already witnessed 7 popular uprisings within the last decade that brought about changes in government. The actions, and inactions, of the military were critical to the outcome of these uprisings.
In the four affected countries of Niger, Nigeria, Chad and Cameroon, widespread insecurity and limited access to health, education and other essential services amid the pandemic threaten to roll back sustainable development gains.
Recent electoral dynamics and violence in Côte d’Ivoire challenges ECOWAS to reinforce its efforts in the country.
Examining the lingering political crisis that erupted in August 2015 within the leadership of Guinea-Bissau’s governing elites.