Examining how the DRC’s mineral wealth influenced the outcome of the country’s 2003 armistice agreement.
Re-examining the basic theory of national and social developmental, using Kivu’s hydroelectric developments as case studies.
Examining why many elections in African democracies culminate in violent conflict.
Why has the DRC seen unending conflict over the last two decades, despite having a comprehensive DDR programme in place?
Analysing the impact of the Southern African Development Community’s Interventions have on conflict in the DRC.
ACCORD attends seminar focusing on status and future of the African Stand by Force.
How civil society involvement after the second Congo war contributed to the weakening of transitional institutions.
Executive Summary Gender is increasingly becoming an integral consideration in peace processes, as called for in the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325, adopted in 2000 as the first
Executive Summary Gender is increasingly becoming an integral consideration in peace processes, as called for in the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325, adopted in 2000 as the first