After our previous edition (4.2), which was a special one on Electoral systems, Elections and Conflict Mitigation in Southern Africa, this edition (5.1) is a regular one again, but it
Abstract This article is premised on the contention that the link between security and development is a complex, but indisputable one. Many of the world’s poorest states have experienced violent
Abstract The article uses a working hypothesis based on three assumptions, namely that democratisation is directly and positively correlated with conflict resolution/prevention; that socio-economic development is directly and positively correlated
The end of the Cold War ushered in the ascendancy of the neo-liberal ideology as the world’s development paradigm. Characterised as the new world order by the then US President
Abstract Since the onset of the democratisation process in Southern Africa in the 1990s, democracy discourses in both academic and policy-making circles have become more robust and invigorated. Although much
Abstract This article is conceived in the context of the controversial and ambiguous ‘fast-track’ land reform programme orchestrated by the ZANU (PF) government since 2000. It discusses human security as a
In November 2004, Namibia conducted its third generation of elections at the presidential, parliamentary and regional levels, since it became independent from apartheid South Africa in 1990. After fourteen years