Virtual dialogue and discussion on the effects and impacts of COVID-19 on young people
A youthful lens of the COVID-19 pandemic.
A youthful lens of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Following up on the implementation of AU Guidelines on Gender-Responsive Responses to mitigate COVID-19 adverse effects on women and girls.
Initiative to create more opportunities for young people’s participation and engagement.
Professor Wiseman Lumkile Nkuhlu has been appointed to represent the Southern African region.
Stronger international cooperation is needed to tackle challenges like climate change, geopolitical tensions, migration and humanitarian crises
The 918th Peace and Security Council (PSC) meeting held on 14 April 2020, focused on the impact of the Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak on Peace and Security in
ACCORD challenges colleagues, peers, families and businesses to work towards building solidarity and social cohesion in South Africa and globally.