Conflict Trends 2024/2
This edition of ACCORD’s Conflict Trends begins with an article by Abraham Ename Minko about one of the emerging challenges in Africa, which is cyber security. This article discusses how
This edition of ACCORD’s Conflict Trends begins with an article by Abraham Ename Minko about one of the emerging challenges in Africa, which is cyber security. This article discusses how
The deteriorating economic and security situation in the central Sahel has provided a pretext for high-ranking military officers to overthrow the incumbent administrations
The idiosyncrasies surrounding these coups have sparked debate in the academic arena, as researchers seek to understand the logic and drive behind the upsurge.
We begin this month’s Monitor with an article from Tom Wuchte and Rehema Zaid who write about the nexus between terrorism and climate change on the African continent. The article
Examining measures for strengthening democratic transitions in Mali, Guinea and Burkina Faso by analysing responses at the national, regional and international levels to ensure rapid restoration of constitutional order.
The emergence of ‘putschist-populist’ politics in West Africa is threatening the hard-won democratic progress over the past decades.
Since 2020, Africa has recorded seven successful coups and three unsuccessful coups. No singular factor explains coup drivers. The 26 July coup in Niger is not an isolated event. Rather,