ACCORD trains student leaders in negotiation
Preparing students to constructively resolve campus conflicts.
Preparing students to constructively resolve campus conflicts.
Critically examining current trends in Sierra Leone’s political landscape from the point of view of ethnoregional politics and hate messages.
Understanding the framework in which SRC leaders operate is important for an SRC to be effective in carrying out their mandate as elected leaders.
Equipping young people with the tools to understand and intervene in conflicts and mediation.
Enhancing coordination between state and non-state actors for greater inclusion and participation to mitigate conflict.
Building the capacity of stakeholders to design and facilitate training in Conflict Management in their respective organisations.
Consolidating the capacities of stakeholders previously trained by ACCORD’s Department for International Development (DFID) project.
An in-depth examination of intra-party conflicts in a democratising Nigeria, with a view to recommending options for resolution.