Conflict & Resilience Monitor – 31 October 2024
In this issue of the ACCORD Conflict & Resilience Monitor we begin with an article by Cedric de Coning and Christopher Holshek on the role of civil-military coordination in peacebuilding
In this issue of the ACCORD Conflict & Resilience Monitor we begin with an article by Cedric de Coning and Christopher Holshek on the role of civil-military coordination in peacebuilding
Civilian and locally-led peacebuilding.
We start this month’s Monitor with a feature article by Kapinga Yvette Ngandu, the ECCAS Commissioner for Gender, Human and Social Development, on the establishment of the ECCAS Humanitarian Action
The necessity of civil society’s meaningful engagement with multilateral organisations on peacebuilding.
Peace education as a driver of continental peace and security: the role of civil society.
CSOs had the opportunity to share their experiences on working with the AU.
This article examines the input into the transitional justice discourse by civil society as a litigation actor in postcolonial Africa
The African Union Commission (AUC) through the African Governance Architecture – African Peace and Security Architecture (AGA-APSA) Secretariat held a workshop to engage in the formulation of a comprehensive AGA-APSA Citizen
45 years ago, Africa was confronted with its first inter-state war when Somalia tried to annex the Ogaden from Ethiopia. This PPB offers insight into the conflict.
Understanding the importance of monitoring and evaluating peacebuilding initiatives