ACCORD participates in the 2018 AMISOM Budget Workshop held at the Sarova Stanley Hotel Nairobi, Kenya
AMISOM re-evaluates its priorities and mandate implementation in response to Somalia’s changing peace and security dynamics.
AMISOM re-evaluates its priorities and mandate implementation in response to Somalia’s changing peace and security dynamics.
The police component has begun to play a much greater role in peace support operations (PSOs) in recent years. It is a critical component that supports the development and implementation
The police component has begun to play a much greater role in peace support operations (PSOs) in recent years. It is a critical component that supports the development and implementation
ACCORD represented at workshop highlighting AMISOM’s achievements of 2015, discussing its objectives for 2016 and planning its budget for 2017.
Request by the AU Peace and Security Council to review AMISOM’s Revised Concept of Operations.
ACCORD continues its efforts to strengthen AMISOM’s conflict management and civilian protection capacities.
Recounting the progress made towards achieving the sustainable development goals set out by the UN 15 years ago.
ACCORD’s Knowledge Production Department continues to analyse the volatile situation in Somalia in order to contribute to AMISOM’s peacebuilding efforts.
Collaboration with AMISOM in organising a Somalian Gender Mainstreaming Strategy validation workshop.