Agency Theory
Abstract In this paper I assess a new approach to Civil-Military relations, Peter Feaver’s ‘Agency Theory’. After demonstrating that this theory offers important advances against the standard approaches to the
Abstract In this paper I assess a new approach to Civil-Military relations, Peter Feaver’s ‘Agency Theory’. After demonstrating that this theory offers important advances against the standard approaches to the
Editorial By Vasu Gounden A Conceptual Framework for African Leadership Development By Jairam Reddy Reflections on Leadership From the OAU to the AU By Tim Murithi Presidential Term Limits in
Editorial By Vasu Gounden A Conceptual Framework for African Leadership Development By Jairam Reddy Reflections on Leadership From the OAU to the AU By Tim Murithi Presidential Term Limits in
On 20 February 2007, after two days of deliberations about the current and future challenges facing Africa generally, and the peace-building field, and specifically ACCORD, in partnership with the Nairobi
It is easy to experience a sense of déjí vu when analysing political leadership in Africa. The perception is that African leaders rule failed states that have acquired tags such
It is easy to experience a sense of déjí vu when analysing political leadership in Africa. The perception is that African leaders rule failed states that have acquired tags such
Abstract In April 2005, Zimbabwe held general elections which saw the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) emerge as victors for the umpteenth time. Despite this win,
Cedric de Coning, Research Fellow and Advisor to the Peace & Security Unit at ACCORD, made a presentation on the current and future role of private contractors in peacekeeping operations
Editorial By Vasu Gounden From Peacekeeping to Peace Operations By Ramesh Thakur The Civilian Dimensions of the African Standby Force System By Cedric de Coning Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Power
Editorial By Vasu Gounden From Peacekeeping to Peace Operations By Ramesh Thakur The Civilian Dimensions of the African Standby Force System By Cedric de Coning Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Power