TfP/ACCORD attends UN Training of Trainers Course for Protection of Civilians
Providing essential tools to national trainers to efficiently disseminate UN specialised training materials to further protect civilians in conflict situations.
Providing essential tools to national trainers to efficiently disseminate UN specialised training materials to further protect civilians in conflict situations.
ACCORD provides perspectives from civil society and shares experiences and technical insights to develop collaborative frameworks.
Enhancing collaboration proficiency between the AU Commission and RECs/RMs African Standby Force training officers.
The Training for Peace Programme participates in discussions on the role of police in peace operations.
ACCORD’s successful International Training Programme on Peace and Security in Africa (PASA) has once again commenced in January this year with the aim of further enhancing the theoretical and practical
ACCORD has released a report entitled Civilian Capacities in the Aftermath of Conflict: Towards strengthened partnerships with African member states. The report is based on the a two-day Regional Consultation on
A report on the proceedings of the Africa Regional Consultation on Strengthening Partnerships for Civilian Capacities in the Aftermath of Conflict, held in Pretoria, South Africa from 19-20 July 2012,
A report on the proceedings of the Africa Regional Consultation on Strengthening Partnerships for Civilian Capacities in the Aftermath of Conflict, held in Pretoria, South Africa from 19-20 July 2012,
In order to assist the AU in strengthening its capacity to plan, manage and implement Peace Support Operations (PSOs) on the continent, the Training for Peace in Africa at ACCORD
Following up on efforts to implement UNSCR 1325 and other AU and regional frameworks for the empowerment of women.