Effective peace support interventions require sound logistics
Enhancing the efficacy and efficiency of Africa’s first responders to conflict situations.
Enhancing the efficacy and efficiency of Africa’s first responders to conflict situations.
Review of the problems encountered during 2015’s AMANI Africa II Field Training Exercise.
ECCAS has collaborated with ACCORD to convene the Civilian Exercise Launch and Workshop to strengthen the ASF’s civilian capacities.
ACCORD and the African Union Commission review ECOWAS’s efforts in populating the civilian roster of the ASF.
The African Union has organised a workshop aimed at assessing the safety of non-state actors involved in their peace operations.
Workshop aimed to develop appropriate strategies and tools to confront the challenges to security in African countries.
Sharpening coordination between the AU and Regional Economic Communities to improve the operational capabilities of the African Standby Force.
19-day exercise serves to test the African Standby Force’s readiness to respond to conflict anywhere on the continent.
APSTA’s 13th AGM covered a broad range of issues aimed at improving all dimensions of Africa’s peacekeeping network.
ACCORD hosts a workshop to improve the ASF’s structures and management and logistical capabilities, political decision-making and mission planning processes.